Alerts in Costa Rica

Malaria - Costa Rica

Media in Costa Rica have reported an outbreak of malaria in the province of Limon. According to public health authorities there have been 62 cases in the 2 weeks leading up to 7 April 2023 in the cantons of Limon and Pococo. These areas usually have a lower risk of malaria.

Costa Rica

Dengue - Americas

During the year 2022, a significant increase in the number of dengue cases and deaths was observed in the Americas region compared to previous years. This behavior has continued in the first weeks of 2023 and, in some countries, it has become even more pronounced, resulting in an overload in health services.

Anguilla, Antigua y Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Granada, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Islas Bermudas, Islas Caimán, Islas Vírgenes (UK), Islas Vírgenes (US), Jamaica, Martinica, México, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panamá, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, San Vicente y las Granadines, Trinidad y Tobago, Turks y Caicos